National Institute of Information and Decision Systems (INCT-INSID)

INCT-INSID is a cooperative inter-institutional scientific network with national and international extensions for developing advanced research and applications on decision making and aiding (including multicriteria and multiobjective methods – MCDM-A, and group decision and negotiation – GDN). The Institute gathers associate labs of several Brazilian universities and a selective group of international partners.


The Flexible and Interactive Tradeoff (FITradeoff), is a multicriteria method which allows the elicitation of the criteria scaling constants or weights. The FITradeoff method requires partial information from the decision-maker (DM) and may be applied for choice, ranking, sorting and portfolio problematics, according to an additive model in MAVT (Multi-Attribute Value Theory) scope.

Multicriteria and Multiobjective Models for Risk, Reliability and Maintenance Decision Analysis

Being structured into 12 chapters, this book gathers concepts and multicriteria models for solving problems in the Risk, Reliability and Maintenance (RRM) context. It includes several research advances that resulted in most of the multicriteria decision models presented.

Decision support systems based on the Promethee method

CDSID makes available decision support systems based on the Promethee method.

  • Promethee-ROC: a multicriteria method, based on PROMETHEE II, for ranking problematic with ROC and Ratio elicitation procedures.
  • Promethee c-optimal: a multicriteria method for portfolio selection based on PROMETHEE V.